Print Interviews
- To Interpret the World and to Change It: Interview with David McNally, Socialist Studies, v. 7, n. 1-2 (2011). — get it here
- David McNally vs. Jonathan Kay on capitalism, communism, and what Michael Moore has to say about America, newspaper debate, National Post, October 8, 2009 - get it here
- Contours of Crisis: Interviews with David McNally, Sam Gindin, and Leo Panitch, Upping the Anti 8, 2009.— partly available online here
Audio Interviews
- Interview on my book, “Blood and Money,” on “Sorry to Podcast This” (available on YouTube, Spotify and other platforms), September 21 (89 minutes): https://www.sorrytopodcastthis.com/season3
- Interview, “A Virus in the Social Body,” with Allen Ruff, WORT.FM, June 25, 2020 (53 minutes): https://www.wortfm.org/tag/david-mcnally/
- Interview on my book, “Blood and Money,” on “Against the Grain” with Sasha Lilley, KPFA, June 17, 2020 (53 minutes): https://kpfa.org/episode/against-the-grain-june-17-2020/
- “Nearly Half of Americans Willing to Vote for a Socialist President,” Interview with Jim Barrett and Shara Fryer, “Houston's Morning News w/ Jim & Shara,” iHeartRADIO, February 14, 2020: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/139-ktrh-houston-morning-news-26994314/episode/david-mcnally-we-will-have-a-57576329/
- “The Global Economy and Recession on the Horizon,” Interview with Allen Ruff, “A Public Affair,” WORT radio 89.9 FM, Madison, WI, September 12, 2019 (53 minutes)
- “Karl Marx's Bicentennial,” Interview with Sasha Lilley, “Against the Grain,” KPFA Radio, May 7, 2018 (56 minutes): https://kpfa.org/episode/against-the-grain-may-7-2018/
- “The Working Class and Anti-Capitalism,” Interview with Sasha Lilley, “Against the Grain,” KPFA Radio, January 25, 2017 (55 minutes): https://kpfa.org/player/?audio=251997
- “Remembering Ellen Meiksins Wood,” Interview with Sasha Lilley, “Against the Grain,” KPFA radio, February 1, 2016 (one hour): https://kpfa.org/player/?audio=223317
- "A Tribute to Ellen Meiksins Wood,” with Robert Brenner, Interview with Suzi Weissman, “Beneath the Surface,” KPFK radio, January 15, 2016: https://player.fm/series/kpfk-beneath-the-surface/beneath-the-surface-fri-15-jan-2016-170030-0800
- “Monsters of the Market,” Interview with Black Sheep Podcasts, May 22, 2014 (one hour): http://blacksheeppodcast.org/2014/05/22/episode-023-5-monsters-of-the-market-with-david-mcnally/
- “Global Slump and the New Normal,” Interview with Black Sheep Podcasts, May 20, 2014 (44 minutes): http://blacksheeppodcast.org/2014/05/20/023-pt-1-global-slump-the-new-normal-interview-with-david-mcnally/
- “Monsters of the Market,” Interview with Ali Mustafa, December 18, 2012 (31 minutes): https://soundcloud.com/frombeyondthemargins/
monsters-of-the-market - “Market Monsters,” Interview on Monsters of the Market with the Extraenvironmentalist, posted October 28, 2012: http://www.extraenvironmentalist.com/2012/10/28/episode-52-market-monsters/
- “Global Slump and the Age of Austerity,” Interview with Allen Ruff on Radio WORT, Madison, Wisconsin, April 28, 2011 (interview begins at minute six of the audio file)
- “Social Movements in Our World Today,” interview on “Letters and Politics, Pacifica Radio (KPFA), Berkeley, California (30 minutes), February 23, 2011
- The Economics and Politics of Crisis and Resistance, Equal Time Radio, WDEV Vermont (40 minutes), January 18, 2011.
- Interview on my book, Global Slump, on “Letters and Politics,” Pacifica Radio (KPFA), Berkeley, California (17 minutes) January 4, 2011: https://kpfa.org/episode/66521/
- Interview on my book, Another World is Possible, with Sylvia Richardson on Latin Waves, Radio CJSF (Vancouver) (25 minutes), September 24, 2010
- Interview On the Global Slump, with Matthew Rothschild, editor of The Progressive, September 8, 2010
- Interview: Capitalism and its Discontents, with Sasha Lilley on Radio KPFA, February 9, 2009: https://kpfa.org/episode/48282/
- Interview: Against The Grain– David McNally on the financial crisis, on Radio KPFA, January 14, 2009 (one hour): https://kpfa.org/episode/47543/
Video, Television and Film Interviews
- Imagining a Different Economy, Interview on "Blood and Money" with Richard Wolff for Economic Update on Democracy at Work, November 29, 2021 (interview begins one minute in): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm_P8e72LyM
- Spectre Presents... Meet the Editors, sponsored by Spectre Journal, June 5, 2020 (117 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdn_91HwxRI
- The Ghosts of Marxism: The Spectre Editors in Conversation on Crisis, sponsored by Red May, June 6, 2020 (125 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvsc1Oj0bGw
- Blood and Money: War, Slavery, and the State, interview with Rising Up with Sonali, 2020 (25 minutes): https://vimeo.com/445365812
- Constitution Day Debate: Free Markets vs. Socialism, public debate, University of North Texas, 2019 (74 minutes): https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc1584953/?q=%22constitution%20day%22
- Tous Zombies (France, Germany, dir. Dimintri Kourtchine, 2017) Interview in documentary film, 2017: https://vimeo.com/241846363
- On Racism and the Alt-Right in Toronto, interview with City TV, November 4, 2017 (5 minutes): http://toronto.citynews.ca/video/2017/11/04/anti-hate-gathering-turns-into-block-party/
- David McNally in conversation with Esther Leslie, interview on occasion of Monsters of the Market winning the Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Award, 2013 (13 minutes): https://vimeo.com/81199864
- The Rise of Fascism in Greece, a recorded talk presented at the event “Greece 1940: The antifascist struggles of yesterday. Turtle Island 2012: The necessity of struggle today,” October 28, 2012 (16 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T16GJjJALA
- Taking it to the Streets: On the Occupy Protests, Panel discussion on the Agenda, TV Ontario, October 14, 2011: http://ww3.tvo.org/video/167093/taking-it-street
- Capitalism is the Crisis: Politics in the Age of Austerity (Canada, dir. Michael Truscello, 2011) Interviewed in documentary film (100 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYFw3O--2R0
- On Anarchism, the G20 protests and the Black Bloc, interview with Carole MacNeil on CBC Newsworld, 2010 (4 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX2tpy30eBE
- The Free Market: Mirror or Distortion? a panel on TV Ontario’s “The Agenda,” hosted by Steve Paiken, October 30, 2008: https://tvo.org/blog/current-affairs/inside-agenda/the-best-of-the-agenda-2009-summer-schedule